Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hunger Challenge

I did absolutely horrible during the Hunger Challenge (I signed up under my now defunct Hiking to Health blog). So I decided to try today, to see what we could do to keep food costs under the $ 4.72 daily allowance.

Cost is per person:

Potatoes, sausage, peppers and scrambled eggs
Total: $ 1.41

Potato corn soup
Total: $ .83

Bacon wrapped filet, rice and green beans
Total: $ 2.13

Total for the day: $ 4.36

Not bad, right? The only problem is that all of it, except for the coffee, rice and beans, was pre-packaged or from a mix.

I stopped at a grocery outlet on the way home from work the other night and stocked up. Yes, very inexpensive foods, but I am wondering how much sodium we have ingested so far today and how much more will be in tonight’s dinner? A lot of water is going to be needed to offset all of that!

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